fdupes synology
fdupes synology

WhenIrunfdupeswithinadockercontainerIrunintoissueswhereitpicksuptheu/synoresourceandu/SYNfiles.I'mcuriousifthereis ...,Usealinuxutility(fdupes)helpsinlocatinganddeleting(ifyouprefer)duplicatefiles;Useipkgutilitytoinstallpackage(fdupes)to ...,Step...

How to find duplicate files on Synology NAS

Usealinuxutility(fdupes)helpsinlocatinganddeleting(ifyouprefer)duplicatefiles;Useipkgutilitytoinstallpackage(fdupes)to ...

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Best way to clean up duplicate files. Fdupes in a docker ...

When I run fdupes within a docker container I run into issues where it picks up the u/synoresource and u/SYN files. I'm curious if there is ...

How to find duplicate files on Synology NAS

Use a linux utility (fdupes) helps in locating and deleting (if you prefer) duplicate files; Use ipkg utility to install package (fdupes) to ...

How to Find Duplicate Files on Synology NAS?

Step by step guide on how to find duplicate files on your Synology NAS device.

How to remove 55k duplicates on synology nas in a sub ...

If you have btrfs and aren't encrypting your shared folders you can deduplicate the data in place with fdupes | duperemove —fdupes. Upvote 2

problem running fdupes

I just installed ipkg then fdupes. fdupes is running now but I'm unsure what I should see. It reads :Building file list, then reports:


2、利用Linux下通用软件Fdupes和Jdupes进行重复文件删除. 我们必须承认群晖已经做的很好了,但是对于重复文件太多的人来说,那个存储空间分析局限 ...


重複資料刪除僅支援於Synology SSD 及Btrfs 儲存空間。您需要建立完全由Synology SSD 組成的儲存集區,並再建立至少一個Btrfs 儲存空間。 重複資料刪除僅能在儲存 ...

請問要怎麼刪除synology nas裡重複的檔案(第2頁)

QNAP有個Qfiling智能歸檔的功能,將Synology的NAS用SMB掛載到QNAP NAS中的File Station,就可以用QNAP的Qfiling功能做智能歸檔。 Qfiling有個選項會自動判斷,若重複檔名, ...

請問要怎麼刪除synology nas裡重複的檔案(第3頁)

不知道fdupes怎麼用? / $ fdupes --help 譬如說要刪video重複的 / $ fdupes -rd /volume1/video.


WhenIrunfdupeswithinadockercontainerIrunintoissueswhereitpicksuptheu/synoresourceandu/SYNfiles.I'mcuriousifthereis ...,Usealinuxutility(fdupes)helpsinlocatinganddeleting(ifyouprefer)duplicatefiles;Useipkgutilitytoinstallpackage(fdupes)to ...,StepbystepguideonhowtofindduplicatefilesonyourSynologyNASdevice.,Ifyouhavebtrfsandaren'tencryptingyoursharedfoldersyoucandeduplicatethedatainplacewithfdup...